Bedah SKL MGMP-MKKS-Provinsi DI Yogyakarta

Dear English Teachers,
On Februari 25, 2017, English MGM Board of Yogyakarta province suppoprted with MKKS and Erlangga Publisher held a one day discussion on the Blue Print (Test Specification) of National Exam  at SMP Muhammadiyah 2 Yogyakarta. The keynote speaker on the occasion was Ibu Sri Muryani-The Editor of National Examination.
Teachers who want to get the discussion materials may download through the following links:

1. Kisi Kisi UN 2017
2. Materi Esensial
3. Identifikasi Materi Esensial dan Sulit
4. Draft Kisi Kisi Soal Versi 60 item
5. Contoh Model Soal K-13
6. Bedah Kisi Kisi 2017
7. Try Out SMPN 210 Jakarta tahun 2016-2017
8. Kumpulan Soal Latihan UN 2016-2017

The link for item 8 is FOR TEACHERS only and is not opened yet fro the time being. Those who want to get the it, just send an email address with detail personal identity ( Name and Occupation) to my WA account number (087839484357),. Thanks


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